Bethany's Activities


Bethany's Activities

Upcoming Events @ Bethany Lutheran 教堂

*Dates  are listed in order of occurrence.  Dates and times may be subject to change.  


教堂 Office Hours:
  • Monday-Thursday from 7:30AM - 12:00PM noon.  封闭的星期五. 
  • CLOSED: Monday, 五月 27th for Memorial Day.


Creative Crafters Retreat: 5月24日到25日

If you are a sewer, 缝被子的, 编织者, 十字绣, 用钩针编织, 废布克, 珠宝商, 画家, woodworker or all round crafter and you would love to have, uninterrupted time to finish a project or start something new…this is for you! We will gather in the Bethany lounge on Friday and craft the day away. Doors will open at 12noon. Stay as long as you want but the lights will be on until 10:00pm. We will return on Saturday morning (doors open at 8:00am) and craft the day away until the lights go out at 8:00pm.  RSVP or questions to: Cindy Morlok or Anita Armbrust; contact the church office (562-421-4711) for Cindy and Anita’s contact information.


音乐 Ministry Grant:

The 音乐 Ministry of Bethany Lutheran is offering grants to qualified applicants who plan on taking some type of music lessons or are majoring/minoring in music at the college level. 音乐 Ministry Grant Applications can be picked up in the church office. All applications must be received by 五月 31; grant awards will be announced in June. 问题?...please call the church office at 562-421-4711.


FAmily Ministry - Father's Day Floats & 拍照!


Vacation Bible 学校 2024:

Visit our VBS webpage to:

  • Register your child for VBS. Registration opens Sunday, April 7th!
  • Sign up to Volunteer 来帮助VBS! We could use your help!

 Click 在这里 to Visit Our VBS webpage!



Men's retreat - save the date!

Save the weekend of September 13th – 15th for a Men’s retreat up at Luther Glen Re-treat Center in Oak Glen. A great study is being planned, free time to enjoy the outdoors, and plenty of good food and fellowship. More information to follow in the next few weeks!


Sign Up for the Bethany Bullet:

The Bethany Bullet is a weekly capsule of worship highlights and big information that your brain may or may not have 'downloaded' from the prior Sunday. The purpose is to bolster you in faith, build you up in the key Biblical themes shared the previous Sunday in worship, to bring to mind the important issues on Bethany's plate and to broaden your awareness of opportunities of service to your Lord, 你的教会, and your community. Tell a friend about The Bethany Bullet!  NEW way to sign up and subscribe – click on the link:


BETHANY POW (Pickleball on Wednesdays):

Early Wednesday morning you will find this group of pickleball enthusiasts playing, on the pickleball courts, at El Dorado Park Tennis Center in Long Beach.  They enjoy fellowship, conversation, and great exercise. Our (18 yrs and over) group includes players of varying ability, age and experience.  Each Wednesday’s play begins with prayer, followed by mixed doubles matches with various partners.  You are welcome to join our POW group! 感兴趣? Contact Sheri Esswein. Call the church office (562-421-4711) for Sheri's contact information. 




Raise funds by buying gift cards from RaiseRight to pay for your everyday shopping and spending year-round. Groceries, dining out, home improvement, and everything in between. It’s the most convenient and effective way to fundraise because earning becomes part of your everyday life. Plus, gift cards are great for helping you to set and keep a weekly budget.   

It's never been easier to create opportunities for what matters most to you. No extra money spent. No extra time wasted.   The best part is that you can put your rebate to work for a Bethany ministry that matters to you! 今天就报名! 问我如何!  For more information regarding 代币 purchases, click 在这里!

- Ruth Lopez, 代币 Coordinator,  562-420-7783 ext. 58

© 2024 Bethany Lutheran 教堂   |   克拉克大街4644号., Long Beach, CA US 90808